
Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Today, as this land lies in amber and bronze and hears old copper toning deep into bone and stone, while in silence the great letting go of leaf-stars release into the dreaming time, promises and memories of sunshine, rain and wild wind-dancing.

Feel the slowing down, slowing under, slowing in, under heavy grey skies full of dampness, covering richness into safe hiding. 

Woodsmoke tangs the drizzling darkness, and a dusting of small yellow hand-shaped leaves wave on the windscreen of the parked cars.

See these flashes of red in hedges and trees? Reminders of the mystery; that which we seek is within. 

And soul; red thread, way-shower, marker of source and returning, spins in and out of this labyrinthal journey, which manifests through us in all the beauty of the flaming land and in our own burning colours of desire and longing for creativity

Weave! Create into being: whispering deep in us, waiting to display a triumph of beauty only possible to uniquely manifest through us, in this place and moment, if only we follow our joy, if only we believe our dreaming, if only we remember our source, answer to the pull of our power, and hear the calling of our destiny guiding us: 

Follow your dreams, make them happen, SHINE! Dance Destiny into becoming, BE who you actually are, leap through the fear of your own great beacon.....

before the light of life leaves but the last glow of twilight shimmering on the horizon and  opportunity fails to dawn into the promised flow of the East.

Saturday, 13 October 2012

Healthy Love: First weekend of this year’s Priestess of Rhiannon Training

Tonight I am humbled by the courage and passion of women wanting to create, open up to, and radiate Healthy Love. In them self, in their body’s vibration, in their relationships, in all that they create in the world.

It is an energy the world very badly needs more of: Healthy Love is the gift of Rhiannon and requires one to fearlessly work on one's issues. Healthy Love is for those women and men with enough self awareness, sensuality and bright heart aliveness to dare to step out from the relative comfort of staying numb, of the sluggish fear-based life that comes with dis-owning the gifts of our wounding and joys, and hiding in avoidance.

We are half way through our first weekend of this year's journey deeper into presence with Rhiannon, Goddess of Love, reclaiming the sacred sexual priestess; 15 women, having heard the ancient calling singing in their being, gather to begin this exploration into themselves and the Path of Love.

During this experiential training we explore the archetype of the Sacred Sexual Priestess as wisdom keeper and vessel for sacred presence on Earth: one who walks the Path of Love.
To be a Priestess of the Goddess is to serve the Devine Feminine in the way She calls you to. For me, this is a public, a social, as well as a private role and practise. It requires that you work on your self so that you will be able to hold and create sacred space in which others may experience Her energy, may feel Her presence, may touch Her face, be touched by Her love, and hear Her words. It requires you to become an edge-dancer, one who steps beyond their resistances while holding their boundaries healthy. It asks you to keep honing the skills needed to touch and shine your core / source energy, to become a vessel for Goddess to move through.
To be a clear vessel does not mean you disappear, neither out of your body nor out of the way, it means that you are more fully present, more truly you: the unique potential for the Devine to manifest through.

If Love is the offering life makes back to life itself, and life is erotic, juicy, full on, the total experience of ‘aliveness’ our soul is choosing, then being alive in a body is sexual by it’s very nature. This experience of aliveness can be very ecstatic, a doorway to direct connection with the source, with the Devine, which softens everything into compassion and love.

Rhiannon teaches healthy and respectful love, which comes from a sense of self awareness, sexual awakeness and self confidence, an experience of the truth of our loving nature and essential lovability, and a  rootedness into our core essence, which for us women is Goddess within. She holds a clear mirror, not just to reflect Her beauty, Her love manifested, onto all who look into Her glass, but to illuminate the places where we are not yet fully open to Her flow and energy.

Those of us drawn to the teachings of Rhiannon’s Path of Love, are asked to become conscious of what we co-create, to look into Her mirror, to see our self as the source of our inner and outer experiences in love. We need to recognize patterns and conditionings, and choose to create different experiences to the patterns of the past. We can re-set the blue-print, re-write the rule book, and let the love of Rhiannon transform us into who we actually are. Moving into freedom away from 'owning' and 'power over', the stories that blame and shame: blame stunts development, shame shuns our shine. We determine to move into a place of truly 'belonging', and own our shadow and our power. The later often holds far more fear then the first and takes a strong sisterhood, a re-finding of how to be in circle in non-patriarchal ways, to hold and create the safety needed to explore this 'wild landscape'.

The path of a Priestess of Rhiannon is a journey in which we look hard at the ways in which we perpetrate and participate the patterns of patriarchy: the ways of ‘power over’. Rather then focus on what ‘they are doing’ or ‘what they did’, we hunt the shadow of our wounding, especially in relationship, to find where and how we are hiding from our true power: the power with (within). Owning what you see in the mirror of your love relationships is the first step to transforming who you are in those relationships. Rhiannon, Goddess of Love, asks us to develop our selves actively! To do the work, stop hiding and to surrender to Her presence.

It is a pleasure, honour and privilege to hold the space and follow Her guidance on this training. Thank you Rhiannon, I am so grateful for all that You bring us!

"Beloved Rhiannon, Thank You for my life, for my body and for all the love that is within and all around me. May my eyes choose to see the good, my ears hear the truth beneath. May my hands manifests Your beauty, my voice be healing in action. My dance, Your energy-in-motion. Allow my heart to be the drum of love in this world. May my feet be rooted in Your guidance, holding healthy boundaries strong and may my body be Your mirror for meeting and honoring presence while I feel and surrender to Your flow. Rhiannon, let my mind be a gateway for Your blessings of Love so I may know and walk Your ways."

Blessed Be.
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Thursday, 11 October 2012

First Blog attempt

I'm trying out what it is to Blog for the first time today... all a little strange and somehow daunting.
Watch this space for what ever the creative flow may bring me to share

re-posting something i wrote a couple of weeks back while the rain washes grey over the land today...
just to see how this works. Blessings

Autumn grace: The beauty of sunshine on my skin in the garden, warming into my body, as i open to this gift of the gentle light, the mature Beloved; 
This is a deep embrace between old lovers, who know, with slow smiles, the gifts of being held by love, not for any reason or goal, but just because it is, without need for anything as a result, such is this sun's caress...
Not awakening seeds or opening buds, not intoxicating the air with the releasing scent of flowers reaching for it's source, but a gentle gift of love....
Saying: 'remember me, in your time of darkness, when all feels lost and without purpose and you feel i will not ever return into the fullness of your life,...fear not: onto your skin I write this promise with the fiery kiss of my love light....I will hold you in my arms, shelter you warm against my heart, in the safe embrace of my presence, while the land prepares for sleep and the colours flame out'.